Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Campaign Day 23 (cont'd)....Late Night With Corky


"The totality of the privatization is so big......

....That everything will change forever.

Want to help stop the sell-off of British Columbia?

Send a link of Corky Evans speaking above to every young kid who is eligible to vote that you know.


Because the demographic splits in the polls have it.

Specifically, young kids, who are notorious for undervoting, favour the NDP over the BC Liberals by a wide margin.

So, if those kids are can be spurred to getting themselves to a polling booth Tuesday.


Here's the Corky link:

Just copy/paste/Email.

(oh, and women favor the Dippers by a wide margin too; it's just crotchey old men, old men like me, who break for Gordo - what the hell is wrong with us?)

Copy....Paste....Send that Email!


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