Saturday, May 02, 2009

Post-Game Saturday Night's Alright For....


When I was a kid, I could never quite figure out why curling was the only 'sport' that encouraged you to smoke while playing (remember those little tin ashtrays perched atop the spindly, wrought iron stands at the mid-ice sweepers' rest station?)....And a killer song about love, life and longing all wrapped up in the story of small town bonspiels and stubbies of days gone by???....Have I mentioned before that John K. Sampson, the guy who refuses to leave his one great city, is a genius?
Post-game post-script....I defy anyone to hit the link directly above and not be flummoxed by the power of art and art making.
Final, final thought....Remind me again why the NHL is better off with a team in Phoenix rather than, say, Winnipeg?


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