A real, out loud, follow-up on the immaculate conception of the flock of LNG Sparkle Ponies:
That's the kind of thing that could get the good Mr. Quinn and his MoCo colleagues removed from the 'friendlies' list.
Whatever would the Cluffmaster Flash do if that were to occur?
And So It Begins...
4 minutes ago
The big promo ad on LNG also states "jobs" have been created. How many? Where?
Just one - Christy's job enhancement payment via the BC Liberal Party...
My comment under Andrew Nikiforuk's last LNG article..
Good read Andrew...
Everything you write is's not just Christy Clark claiming LNG will reduce emissions in Asia...Trudeau's Federal cabinet is saying the same thing, the energy industry as a whole has been lying about LNG, making claims of reducing emissions....Ian Adams has been panned by the LNG sector for saying this..
LNG, although seen as the future fuel for marine transport and the next step in reducing the shipping industry’s greenhouse gas emissions, could be worse for the environment than burning heavy fuel oil, head of the Association of Bulk Terminal Operators said.
Ian Adams, the former CEO of the International Bunker Industry Association, said, “Whilst it is well documented that LNG is an excellent solution for reducing SOx and NOx emissions, I am dismayed to see it being promoted as a solution for reducing GHGs.”
He opposes media reports claiming that the use of LNG as a marine fuel can reduce the industry’s CO2 emissions by 75 percent, and that efforts to cut carbon dioxide emissions on a global scale will spur the adoption of LNG as a marine fuel.
Adams, a Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology added that the energy content of LNG is slightly more than half that of fuel oil, so to extract the same energy output when consuming LNG rather than fuel oil it is necessary to consume almost twice the volume of LNG.
Although using LNG as fuel will result in slightly lower CO2 emissions, the difference is not that big, Adams said, pointing out that LNG is principally methane which is a GHG 25 times more harmful than CO2.
He claims it would require only a 4 percent slip through the supply chain to equal the CO2 emissions from the industry’s current consumption of heavy fuel oil.
“If we, rather generously, accept that burning LNG will reduce CO2 emissions by 20 percent over the current level it would require less than 1 percent slip for there to be no gain from a GHG perspective. Taken over the entire supply chain, 1 percent is not an unrealistic slip,” Adams said, adding that the LNG myth has progressed unchecked with very few challenging those lobbying for a wider take up of LNG.
As for the Woodfibre stageplay, it is still, in my opinion not a go, merely an election ploy, check the timelines, not a shovel in the ground until after the election....The Mayor of Squamish and locals heard of the rushed Woodfibre press conference through the media(CBC)..Media called the mayor for details, she had none, the whole photo-op was rushed together very quickly...This photo-op was rushed together after Rich Coleman got shot down in flames by Petronas in Malaysia on his last begging trip.....
The whole scam is detailed here...
Also...Christy Clark Liberal Guv has a new ad running, saw it last night twice...The ad claims B.C. LNG is gonna clean the world...The ad also claims $20 billion dollars has already been spent on LNG development in B.C.....
Hmmm, $20 billion and still no shovels in the ground...
When you let lies lay...when you don't challenge the lies, nip them in the bud early...LNG IS dirtier than coal...Petronas bought Progress energy many years ago, they paid near $6 billion dollars, a turnkey operation....That $20 billion dollar figure, that Petronas purchase and Progress energy's ongoing operations(drilling) is part of the $20 B claim...Progress energy has half their operation in the USA.....
More BC Liberal bullshit...the way these grifters calculate investment is a fraud too...for example, if a corporation came to BC and bought all the Keg restaurants for say...$2 billion dollars..a turnkey operation, merely sign over that really an investment into BC...?
Stay tuned
Need more...China is bursting at the seams with excess energy, excess renewable power, solar, wind, and clean coal...
China is in the midst of an excess energy overload...
China doesn't need or want BC LNG
and in case you missed it...
Jas johal and Steve Darling were interviewed(?) on CKNW today...
3:00 pm to 4:00pm....
They took two phone-in callers...
I was first up...about 3:36 pm
November 14/2016 3:00 PM
shortly after the 3:30 pm news
Where did the $20 billion investment in BC LNG go?
Towards the purchase of LNG assets/resources (properties) from Canadian corporations who needed to bring their balance sheets in line, or to take over/buy- out) Canadian natural gas corporations. Example of such transactions include the investment in an interest in Encana's Cutbank resources to Mitsubishi several years ago.
Such transactions are simply that and do not necessarily translate into actual investment in developing natural gas properties or infrastructure to produce and transport natural gas.
However, the Liberals would like to have you believe that $20 billion dollars were actually spent on the ground by LNG proponents. If #20 billion was actually spent in northern BC, the LNG proponents are doing a good job of keeping it a secret. Pretty hard to hide an investment of $20 billion which is equivalent to two Site C dams.
Is BC paying Woodfiber 15c per kwh ipp .?
Has BC over paid ipp 5 billion in premium energy rates?
Considering that these adds are being paid for with taxpayers' monies I think it is incumbent that the government tell us where this $20 billion has been spent and who the benefactors are.
We know through Norm Farrell's diligent work that natural gas revenues continue to fall year over year as well as exploration revenues. The various mayors of places such as Fort St John, Fort Nelson, Kitimat, Prince Rupert, Terrace, etc. have been complaining their economies have gone in the toilet.
Things don't seem to add up at all.
3 card monte
The myth that BC's LNG will reduce world carbon emissions and is on track is perpetuated. Lots of squirming, misinformation, and incomplete analysis, from sources that should know better,especially from Mr.Johal.
global seems more provincial in terns of coverage and reporting?
I think some one lied. If $20B cash was spent on one resource in this province, we'd be rolling in the dough instead of people lining up at the food bank to get some bread. If $20B was spent on LNG in this province, let them prove it. Its when Christy and her cabal are forced to answer questions such as this that their whole "plan"/sham goes out the window.
The photo op queen comes out, makes silly statements and idiot msm PEOPLE actually report it like it was news instead of some LSD influenced dream. Of course we are seeing Christy do a little job creation for media people, come run as a B.C. Lieberal and really get on the gravy train. if the tax payers aren't getting much of this $20B, who is? My vote goes to the B.C. Lieberals, their friends and supporters because there certainly aren't a whole raft of new decently paid jobs in this province. If there were we wouldn't still have the highest rate of child poverty in Canada. IN MY OPINION SOME ONE IS LYING. IS CRHISTY'S NOSE GROWING WHILE SHE KEEPS SMILING. oh, well like they used to say, tell a big enough lie, long enough people will believe it.
BC's unicorns look increasingly cursed
Where or where has the $20 billion dollars gone? Did it ever exist at all? Or was it simply a ploy to hide massive amounts of taxpayer dollars? The big Lie? Yes, followed by the big Chill, the wipe out of the BC Liberals in the next election. Vote for anyone but them. Vote strategically, make your vote matter. Remove these criminal malfeasants from office at all costs.
Organized crime is alive and well in BC. White collar crime has reached new heights of ripping off the taxpayers of this province.
Follow the money, is an old policing adage, that works every time. Fraud is fraud. Politics as practiced by these clowns is just a game played with taxpayer monies and manipulation of laws, statues and other supposedly legal methods.
Make no mistake. What you see is an organized criminal entity, operating under the guise of a serving, democratically elected government. Its legitimacy in name only, its methods, highly suspect and indeed criminal.
If there has been $20 billion invested in LNG it is now official that none of it made its way into the Fort Nelson area. Their city council is after the provincial government and Canfor to give access to timber in the area so that they can get the people that once had jobs in the oil and gas industry back to work in the lumber industry. Details can be found on CBC's website, BC news section.
pay to play
just call it privateering to benefit corporate friends
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