Well, well, well...
The B.C. Liberals have announced Steve Darling, former morning anchor for Global television, as the party's new candidate for Burnaby-Lougheed...
And So It Begins...
17 minutes ago
What no BCRail reporter?
Trillion dollar Pam?
Then van sun editor?
Then Jas?
Then Steve?
Where's Tony
Sorry about placing that pearl in the post below, but I was retching so badly my eyes were blurry.
Well now i doubt the let go story,and lost a whole lot of respect for Steve somehow Globall and Shaw seem to be calling the shots am sure Steve steve must have had great offers as he was a popular guy.Shaw has a lot of power too much in this Province and just watch the ads start rolling on there stations and the money rolling into there pockets,Shaw family Bah where was Campbell,s nomination after party held Hmmmmm so i heard???
This makes perfect sense as he was a yes man for the BC Liberals in his previous job.
geez now that is the second one running officially for the B.C.. Lieberals. no wonder the reporting on the B.C. lIBERALS IS SO poor. ah, well, with any luck they will all be defeated. talk about politicians and the press being in bed together.
Another butt kisser trying to get his nose in the trough.
It seems obligatory that half the BC Liberal caucus retires just before every election. Sharing our wealth, I guess. Such generosity. I guess it's so well-known it just isn't that newsworthy.
Someone had respect for the twit cheerleader of the organization of cute puppy/everything is wonderful (cough, cough) journalism.
if NDP win,in May, they should review all external energy contracts(IPP?ROR) BC made-esp ones that have a lot of former public servants employed.
Or 'had'...A lot of them have been flipped out by the local grifter class.
We are losing BC democracy a rate of a dollar a ,pay to play, time.?
I don't have a problem with the likes of Darling and Johal seeking to run in an election. The various political parties have to draw their candidates from wherever they can and name recognition may well get them elected.
What irritates me the most is listening to them tell us why they have thrown their hats into the ring. The touchy feely crap they spew is beyond the pale. The leader of the political party they choose to run for will dictate how and what they vote for or against. Why don't they just tell the truth. They are hoping to get elected and get a guaranteed 4 year job that pays well and if they are really lucky, get elected for a second term which will also come with a pension that the majority of British Columbians can't even dream of.
I can understand a journalist moving into politics if they have were passionate about certain causes into their career and they want to champion these causes.
These two don't make that grade
One explanation for the political tendencies of journalists is that they, like politicians, are animated by a desire to change the world for the better. I've heard a lot about this idealism in both newsrooms and in caucus rooms but rarely seen it demonstrated. Mostly, journalists want to make a better world—but for themselves. They want recognition for their work, they want prizes, they want a raise, they want to appear in a better venue, they want higher status. Mostly, politicians want to make a better world—but for the constituents that can return them to office in the next election so they acquire more power, exercise it, and increase their status. Sometimes all this jockeying makes the world a better place. Sometimes it doesn't. But lip service to the ideal is never absent.
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