And just look what he's pushing...
....(Clean Energy B.C.) invited (former premier) Harcourt, and former premier Gordon Campbell, to deliver keynote speeches to this year’s conventions as the “architects” of government policies that enabled private-power producers to establish, and then expand to account for a quarter of B.C.’s electricity supplies, said executive director Paul Kariya...
...Harcourt argued that the province should devote more resources into developing other renewable-power sources, including sources such as wood-fired biomass generation, pursue more aggressive efforts on climate action and “cut (our) losses” with Site C.
“You mothball it, you say ‘we’ll put $2 billion in, but not $15 to $17 billion,” Harcourt said, with the latter figures being his guess at cost overruns based on the experiences of other big dam projects around the world.
Campbell, however, maintained that Site C adds to B.C.’s backbone of constant hydroelectric power that can be used to balance the addition of more electricity from intermittent sources such as wind or run-of-river hydro.
“Full disclosure, I announced Site C,” Campbell said. “I was for Site C and I remain (in favour of) Site C. I think (it) creates (power) storage capacity for us that’s important.”
However, Campbell said he doesn’t want to see Site C built in a way that would preclude further private-power development...
So there you have it, straight from the former Premier's mouth....Cronies in the public trough slopping around while having their cake and eating it too!
Oh boy.
The quotes above are from a story by Derrick Penner in Monday's VSun....Tip 'O The Toque to an Anon-O-Mouse in the comments for the heads-up.
Also had an off-line tip from a reader who knew that the good Mr. Campbell was in town because they saw him on the street in downtown Lotusland recently...Apparently the willeeeees that ensued took quite some time to subside...
Who Goes MAGA?
12 minutes ago
It is the season of hauntings...
Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please do not post any pics of that despicable a$$hole. Go back to the UK, we don't want you here. You and your corrupt lieberals bankrupted this province to the point of no return, and her and her cronies present and past continue on spending. Have we had enough yet like down south? I have. Time for a change. Anyone but the liebs and the bunch of them. I'm sure Campbell has his pointed hat on sitting in a back room somewhere advising the bunch.
“However, Campbell said he doesn’t want to see Site C built in a way that would preclude further private-power development...”
And what would that look like, exactly? Build it without turbines?
Perhaps it has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual power generated but instead with those 'Make the Rubes Pay for IPP's!' contracts signed?
Speaking of which...
Aren't there a couple of those up for renewal right now?
$9+ billion Site C is supposedly needed to provide 'clean' power to non-existent LNG plants.
Then the plants can export more LNG, since natural gas is not needed to power the plant.
The LNG would then travel the 7,000 km to Asia on ships emitting GHGs.
Once in Asia, the LNG gets burned, releasing more GHGs.
In Mark Hume's Globe piece on this 'story' that was published yesterday Mr. Campbell also paint himself as the environment's main man.
using the same tar brush to do the painting he should throw in a heavy dose of HST gooo
I'm wondering if Mr. Campbell is going to be hanging around town long enough to engage in some BC Liberal pre-election mischief with his long-time buddy (and Christy Clark hater) Martyn Brown?
Yep. Same "story" says 12 IPPs up for renewal and two are in the bag for Board rubber sta..., I mean approval. Jessica says she's handling them "prudently" for ratepayers, as always.
And as always you aren't allowed to see what you bought.
Prudent, indeed...
If you cannot get enough of our much beloved former premier in B.C. look for him in Hawaii while you are spending your winter there.
Slightly off topic- but I see LNG sponsored the BC Liberal party fundraiser- maybe Gordo was there?
We have a corporate oligarchy as government.
Lew: the word is "perfidious", not "prudent".
"Jessica says she's handling them "prudently" for ratepayers". Prudent my a##. One of the easiest ways for her to demonstrate this would be immediately stop planned construction of new ones. Ones that are not even finished the design stage yet. Ones that are already delinquent on the date they agreed to start supplying power to BC Hydro when they got their Energy Purchase Agreement. What could be more prudent (and least stressful for you) Ms. Jessica?? The proponent has not met the contract conditions, you don't have to justify it further than that. I speak particularly of the alpine lake draining waterfall diverting penstock clearcutting Narrows Inlet Hydro project on the Sunshine Coast.
LNG ..oil price.com reports that China will be awash in a glut of natural gas by 2020, about 50Bcm, so they report.
And the sparkle pony crew, has only launched 1 small project.
Who are they trying to kid here.
This LNG horse bolted from the stable long ago, and their still trying to find it.
Waste of public money and time. Site C another boondoggle brought to you by the inept and corrupt, BC Liberal party and their supporters!
What we need is a graphic of Christy Clark working a homemade ice cream maker handwheel, churning up a party (pun intended) balloon of natural gas until it liquefies Let's see how much of a sweat she works up cooling it enough so it can be poured in a jar to send to China. It truly is an Abbott and Costello "who's on first" thing....expending all that energy to transport it just so it can expand on the other side of the world, when we could just pipe it pretty much as is around North America. The lower cost than "world market value" would benefit industry and residential use here. Wouldn't do much for foreign corporate profits though. Argument against GHG emissions and the fact China is on the same planet as us notwithstanding. Come to think of it, we could make some of our meowstream media do the same.
I hope scumbag scambell hangs around to help the liberals...it should help them getting the boot
oh yeaaahh
Watch again...
Who do you think that is who is following the good Mr. Campbell into his inner sanctum?
RossK, would that be a yet-to-be electrified Jessica?
Going to try to sell LNG to Maui by December?
Right hand gal at the time, right?
just the other day wondered where the scumbag was, well now I know, back in B.C. wonder what he is trolling for? Must need a job now that he is off the federal gravey train. must be heard doing without he butler, driver and all that.
perhaps he will register as a lobbist. now that would be entertaining, perhaps he'll replace Gordon Wilson, one can hardly ever tell with these lieberals.
The U.S.A. has Trump, B.C. has Campbell and Clark, gee which is worse?
BC song last 15 years
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