A really thoughtful and forceful editorial in the Victoria Times-Colonist today makes the case that the time has come for a truly independent external review of Community Living British Columbia. Here are a couple of excerpts:
...The bonus issue is a symptom of CLBC's problems. The agency is supposed to ensure that some of the province's most vulnerable citizens have safe, secure lives and are able to fulfil their potential...
It has failed. Conditions have worsened for hundreds of people. CLBC directors and managers have misled the public, insisting - falsely - that no clients were being forced from group homes against their will to save money. They refused for months to provide information on waiting lists, before revealing that 2,089 people - about one in six clients - were waiting for supports to meet identified needs. Another 751 people were getting no services and waiting for help and support. There was no plan to end the waits...
{snippety doo-dah}
...The bonus decision shows a lack of management rigour, continued secrecy and inadequate oversight. It is time for a full independent review.
The entire thing is something really worth paying for, either digitally or in the dead-tree edition.
Or both.
And do not forget it is the fine folks at the VT-C who did almost all the initial digging on this file and brought it to attention of we, the citizenry of British Columbia...Me, I reckon, the particular words above may have been written by a former staffer who is, at least at the moment, a few thousand km away (but still plugged in)...
The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
11 minutes ago
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