First it was snarking up the guy who broke the Enbridge connection.
And that snarkification continued, unabated, even in the wake of the Translink 'not-lobbying' thingy.
But now, in the wake of the RCI story, the heart of which is this...
...In the fall of 2007, Ms. Clark entered into a two-year agreement as chairwoman and board member of RCI Capital Group’s RCI Pacific Gateway Education Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the investment firm.
RCI Capital Group has strong federal Conservative and B.C. Liberal ties – listing former federal Conservative cabinet ministers Stockwell Day as lead director and John Reynolds as non-executive chairman.
RCI boasts more than “$7-billion in transactions, primarily in natural resources” and also facilitated the arrival of wealthy immigrant investors to Canada under the now defunct federal Immigrant Investor Program.
Since becoming Premier, Ms. Clark has actively promoted RCI on official trade missions to Asia — recently signing a memorandum of understanding on behalf of the B.C. government in securing $1-billion in overseas investment in the B.C. forestry industry, for the export of wood products to fuel China’s energy demands. RCI was credited in facilitating the deal...
There has been complete silence (at least so far a of 7:00am Friday, 36 hrs after the fact) on the slagging of the writer of said stories, Matthew Millar, from the good Mr. Marissen on the Twittmachine:
I wonder why?
SubHeader?....It's a follow-on of a great 140 character one-liner from Jeremy Nuttall who is demonstrating that he clearly does not want to be a member of the herd...(thanks to reader S.H. for the tip)...
The real story here?....None of this....And I mean none of it is coming from the Lotuslandian proMedia (i.e. Mr. Millar is based in Ottawa)...Which has me wondering if any of the puffed-up punditry 'round here were offered the story and turned it down...
Looks like things might be heating up soon on the 'Third Man' connection that I've been going on about...More later....
Thursday Morning Links
5 minutes ago
Just listened to CBC's Daybreak South's political commentary with host Chris Walker and journos Justine Hunter and Rob ? filling in for Smart.
The was much clucking about Kwan, as you would expect -- and blather about divisions in the Dippers, to which Hunter remarked with notable emphasis, has existed for: "for DECAAADES..."
Upshot: The NDP have lost all credibility for Kwanian crimes, and Christy will skate away because, because the original spinstress of Gordian knots has called in the conflict guy.
Eckford wants to "poke the bear" even if it's CKNW -- has Tsakumis on...
JLThomson @nannylula 1h
Listen to Alex Tsakumis discuss Christy on @CKNW audio vault April 10 @ 9pm 6:22 mark
1. Duncan C @dacooster 12h
@dmatthewmillar @lailayuile @CKNW @christyclarkbc True..but Tsakumis is also a blowhard ego maniac who can't handle criticism #bcpoli
1. Michael Eckford @michaeleckford 12h
@PAitken he's been taking some time away but his intention is to start back up...hopefully soon.
1. drex @drex 13h
Having Alex Tsakumis in the building and on the air @CKNW makes me feel uncomfortable in my own work place. My chest is tight. Not joking.
2. D. Matthew Millar @dmatthewmillar 13h
LIVE: @CKNW - Tsakumis calls @christyclarkbc master of spin. Calls out Conflict of Interest commissioner
SH: over-vigorous edit -- should read:
drex @drex 13h
Having Alex Tsakumis in the building and on the air @CKNW makes me feel uncomfortable in my own work place. My chest is tight. Not joking.
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