I reckon this kind of thing would happen in just about every single city, town and hamlet in this province where there is arable land within 20 miles of a developer's binoculars and a willing council...
Summerland council voted 4-1 in favour of approving a controversial land swap Monday night.
The swap would see just over 80 hectares of farmland removed from the Agricultural Land Reserve and 90 hectares of land, farther out of town in West Prairie Valley, swapped in...
Put another way...
If this kind of thing accelerates, unfettered by ALC oversight, the good Mr. Les will be a king to these fine people.
Want to keep up with this stuff?...Follow the ol' shite-disturber (and I mean that in the best way possible), Harold Steves, on the Twittmachine.
Thursday Morning Links
10 minutes ago
We wrote this Post in October 2011 Summerland's Pandora's Box of Radioactive substances being strewn across public land!
Could you clarify if the land swap of the ALR property is being replaced with CONTAMINATED soiled land?
Next year there will be a motion brought to the rump of the land commission asking that the 90 hectares be removed as it is marginal land with limited agricultural value.
Depends on who owns it. People like John Les had no problem getting land removed without the amendments. Now there won't be any impediments to removal of land from the ALR for specially connected people.
the lieberals and their friends have waited a very long time to get rid of the ALR. it is going. It is part of the lieberal plan to "take care of business". The land in the lower mainland is worth a fortune to developers. doesn't matter if there aren't enough schools, roads, hospitals, who cares, we just want to make money. Once land is out of the reserve, they can run pipelines and whatever through it, nice going for them and theirs.
On the other hand Detroit is building farms on city land which is not longer in use for housing, business, etc.
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