It was quite interesting to see how Matthew Millar's work was derided in some quarters, including one you might have expected, when his stuff on Ms. Clark's 'connections' first began appearing exclusively in the Vancouver Observer.
But that all changed when his blockbuster dropped in the NaPo a few days later.
Well, that and the additional documentary evidence Mr. Millar posted up....
Which of the big proMedia organs in Lotusland is finally cottoning on?
The VSun?
The VTC?
The Province?
The Globe?
To all...
So far....
Which leaves?
Why, none other than the Nanaimo Daily News:
Premier Christy Clark has to notice an increase in the temperature at her office in Victoria.
Clark is under scrutiny for her involvement as a director of a B.C. company she once chaired, that she has promoted since becoming premier a year ago, raising concerns from critics.
In a story in the National Post Wednesday, Matthew Millar explained the situation, pointing out that in 2007, Clark chaired RCI Pacific Gateway Education Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of RCI Capital Group, which she has actively promoted on overseas trade missions while serving as premier.
Clearly, this is not good news, and it comes on the heels of an Ontario legislative committee wanting to question Laura Miller, the executive director of the B.C. Liberal party, concerning a $1.1 billion gas plant scandal in Ontario.
Part of that current furor includes allegations of deleting information from computers in the premier's office, in which Miller worked.
Sounds like we might be coming to an abrupt end of the B.C. Liberals' post-election honeymoon period...
...British Columbians are starting to get restless.
Except for the odd photo op - surprise - one might wonder if Clark is even in the province. It's almost like British Columbia is running on auto-pilot...
Good on the NDN.
As for the rest of them?
Guess they'll keep on goin' on.
And where are they going, exactly?
How does 'oblivion' sound as a destination?
As for all that snark that was once coming fast and furious from that expected corner, pre-NaPo story?...Still crickets (as of noon on Saturday).
Thursday Morning Links
11 minutes ago
Hmmmm.... the Honourable Christy Clark, is that the same thing as Honourable Chairman, Honourable Director .... Christy Clark of RCI Group?
Here is the address of an editorial in the Naniamo Daily News titled "Lack of legislation sittings cause for concern."
It shows us just how inept Clark really is.
See more at:
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