10:12pm....OK, there it is...log-jam broken....205/256 polls in Victoria...Dipper Rankin up by 800 votes over Greenguy Galloway...Looks like Dipper scrutineers had it right (see below; and f.t.r. @justine_hunter had that info early too, unlike that Global TeeVee guy who came in to story way late)...That's it for me...Still have to ride home (was doing grant reviews with 8 windows open...not most efficient way to work)...Hey....One last thing....Will the Harpoon still front up a third of the money for Poop-Treatment in Victoria?...
10:10pm...Have E-Canada hamsters running their website gone home for the night?...Victoria polls reporting stuck on 200/256 for the last 20 minutes...Dippers up by ~300 votes..
9:55pm...RadioCanada's Sophie Rousseau tells us, via the Twittmachine that the late poll surge in Victoria is coming from Dippers' own scrutineers (reported by MLA Rob Fleming inside NDP HQ)...On E-Canada site, now passed 30% of pop vote with only ~2/3 of polls reporting...May hit 40% pop in Victoria...Historically pretty good for a Bye-Bye? (am pretty sure that Bernard von S. will have an historical breakdown up by tomorrow am)...
9:50pm...OK...Starting to see a bit of a move toward the Dipper on E-Canada site now...Beachside/downwind vote must be starting to come in...
9:45pm...Radio Canada apparently has some numbers way ahead of E-Canada in Victoria...Has Dipper Rankin pulling ahead (fo' real?) of GreenGuy Galloway in last 20-30 polls...Don't see those kind of numbers yet on E-Canada site...Or are those numbers that the Dippers themselves have?
9:40pm...Didn't know that Victoria GreenPoopGuy Galloway won nomination after losing (yes losing!) a coin toss in wake of a tie vote at nom. mtg (20-20 votes cast - ha!...He now has over 8,000 from electorate, up by almost 200 now)...Info comes from best regional Tweeter on Vic. Bye-Bye @AMacLeod of The Tyee...
9:30pm...Wowzer!...GreenPoopGuy Galloway just surged to a 150 vote lead over Dipper Rankin in Victoria...
9:20pm...OK, getting a little surreal now...150/256 polls in Victoria...1 vote separates Rankin and Galloway...Does it go to a shoot-out if they're tied at end of regulation (with Mr. Floatie in goal, of course)?
9:10pm...135/256 polls in Victoria now reporting...Green guy Galloway has pulled ahead ever so slightly....Clearly, a whole lotta folks in the Garden City want to keep pumping the poop into the water untreated...
9:00pm...Almost half of polls reporting in Victoria (to heckfire with hashtags!)...Dipper Rankin still up by less than a hundred votes over GreenPoopInTheWaterguy Galloway...Calgary over - with Greeniac still at ~25%...Quite a bit of chatter from the back-eastern Twitterati about how the Dippers got more than 25% in Durham...
8:45pm....With 3/4 of polls reporting looks like Con will prevail in Cgy...Barely...Will be much misplaced JTrudeau bashing tomorrow I reckon...Victoria is unbelievably close Dipper/GreenPoopGuy...
8:30pm....Vote splitting talk/whining has begun in all quarters!
8:25pm...Durham NC hits 30% on pop. vote - Con over half of votes cast...Con up less than 300 votes in Cgy...Shrieking down by river heard.
8:15pm...30 polls (~10%) reporting in Victoria and Greeniac (Floaties Forever!) lover in lead...Heads start to explode in National Press Galleryland....Including deep within the abode of that Mr. Akin guy...
8:05pm...Half of polls now reporting in Cgy - it's a total split Green/Lib/Con (latter with 2point lead), Dipper non-factor...Victoria - it's Dipper/Green...Neither Con nor Lib a factor (but still very early there)...Will any riding get to 30% turnout?....Rockin' hardest on the TwittMobile?....@kady.
7:50pm...Dipper Rankin early lead in Victoria based on kids hanging around Topaz Park (3 polls only)...Durham ON moves to North Carolina, apparently...Looks like a lot of big polls in Calgary have not come in yet...Shift coming if those include the anti-Ralphie vote?
7:25pm (PST)...With about a quarter of the polls reporting it looks like the Con will prevail in Calgary Centre if...Get this!...The Greeniac continues to siphon pretty big numbers from the Lib...This is not Ralph Klein's Cowtown.
Hillary Clinton email server update
1 hour ago
very fun Ross, thanks for posting! It's a nail biter for sure. Although the top two candidates, Rankin and Galloway, both seem like very good progressive representatives. Kudos to them both for running and giving it their best shot.
The aftermath, federally and provincially, will be very interesting . . . good bye Harper Cons!
Sure thing o-t-r--
And even a ray of hope in Durham....
Going home now.
It would seem that if only Trudeau and McGuintey could have kept their mouths shut, Calgary Centre wouldn't be Fake Tory Blue - or is Crockett the first Wilding Rose in the Federal House of Infamy!
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