That's 'former' potential BC Liberal Party candidate and Abbotsford South de Jongian foot soldier Moe Gill giving his version of how he was kneecapped in an early morning rendezvous with Rich Coleman in an otherwise empty restaurant out in the valley.
Charlie Smith has the story in the GStraight.
Here's the full quote excerpted in the header above:
...Gill said they (he and Coleman) talked for two hours. "I keep telling him, this is the riding I work in," he recalled. "They have this bullying tactic that works really nice. They do this professionally, I think....He said to me, 'You are not approved.' "
The Abbotsford councillor (Mr. Gill) said he persisted, saying he was going to run in Abbotsford South.
"He said 'You can't run in this riding. You're not approved. The Liberal party is not approving you. How can you run?'," Gill claimed...
And here's something else interesting from Charlie Smith's piece.
According to Mr. Gill, Mr. Coleman also told him this:
..."I'm working for only two people (Coleman apparently told Gill). I listen to those two people and I speak for those two people. One is Christy Clark. The other one is [B.C. Liberal campaign manager] Mike McDonald."...
Who, exactly, was Mr. Coleman listening to when he made that big 'ol beer bong decision?
Links 3/6/2025
43 minutes ago
It would therefore have to be Christy or Coleman.
Oops- Meant it has to be either Christy or MacDonald.
As usual no one is listening to the beer drinkers. Like previous Liberal candidates, out here where we we grow your corn and other valuable crops, Gill and Plecas would both need a match a light up a Christmas tree.
Dimitri P. is in the BC Liberal Party election team
And all along I thought that Coleman (and be extension his boss Miss Christy) were WORKING HARD for the people of BC!
God what has happened to the noble idea of public service.
Never before, not even in 1972, has a government more deserved being shown the door.
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