The 'BC Parents Federation' was, according to CBC News at least (but not Global), behind the 'counter-protest' kerfuffle at a public education rally in downtown Vancouver on Sunday.
At the time we decided to try and find out who these fine folks were, and what they were all about, by sniffing around online.
Which led to all kinds of bizarrity on the Twittmachine that was followed by a rapid disappearing of websites, etcetera.
All that can be found here if you work backward through the links.
But now, Ian Young, one of the few journalists left in Lotusland that actually digs for a living (and whose stuff is published thousands of kilometres away) has a little bit more:
....Members of the British Columbia Parents’ Federation (BCPF), some wearing surgical masks, unfurled a large vinyl banner carrying their group’s name in English and Chinese as they attempted to march on a larger rally outside the Vancouver Art Gallery in support of the industrial action on Sunday...
...Among the BCPF protesters were some of the same people who vocally opposed the Vancouver School Board’s adoption of a new policy on transgender students in May. They included Charter Lau, a prominent Hong Kong immigrant and social conservative who has previously sought election to the Burnaby School Board...
Is anybody catching a wee bit of the whiff of the Glimmer Twins (scroll down a little) in all of this?
You know.
And then, of course, there is the utterly and inexplicably true bizarrity of....This.
Update: Ian Young, via the Twittmachine says he has no knowledge of an involvement of the actual Glimmering Twins in this particular kerfuffle...
And So It Begins...
26 minutes ago
and ..... Tom Tang used RCD website for .... the benefit of Charter Lau who's bio is inclusive :....I value a balanced approach to controversial issues. I stand against all forms of discrimination and bullying, seeking safety, respect and equal opportunity for all.
Oh boy...
Thanks for doing the heavy lifting as usual.
reading the other article certainly was entertaining. it reported some parents who had immigrated from China, went to the Chinese consulate to complain about the teachers' strike. excuse me, this is Canada. deal with Canadian politicians. Democracy isn't simply a matter of he/she who gets the most people out wins. Democracy is about protecting the rights of the minority from the majority.
Now of course when the trade deal with China comes into effect 1 Oct. I'm sure China will have more to say on strikes in Canada, but until 1 Oct.: if you don't like our Canadian democracy, feel free to leave and go back to Hong Kong or China. When we got off the boat, it was, we are here to be Canadian and that meant Canadian language skills, Canadian democracy, etc.
the truth is that Chinese,especially rich mond Chinese have no time for unions or any other group that would infringe on their right to live their lives. Maybe their Canadian borrn gardeners and pool boys should rise up with teachers in defiance .
Interesting perspective Anon--
You would have everyone work for minimum wage, or less?
Perhaps be a whole lot more like, say, Mississippi?
On Mr. Young's real matter...Were there discussions amongst the groups you speak of to 'disrupt' pro-teacher rallies?
Just imagine what "great" things Ethnic Outreach could have achieved if that darn Dix hadn't thrown a spanner into the works...
Burnaby Brian Bonney said he'd support eliminating the minimum wage altogether. - 1 Oct 2010, The Tyee
From the same article, an apt rebuttal to Bonney:
Jaimie McEvoy, a New Westminster city councillor who gave a presentation at the UBCM convention this week on his council's decision to pay city workers a living wage of around $17 an hour, said, "The market used to look after minimum wages when we had slavery and serfdom." [Tyee]
100 years ago-Roosevelt threatened to nationalize coal industry after 20 year no raise and 16 hour days and got 9 hour day work and 10 percent pay raise.?
A at 9:33 a.m. I note you watched the PBS series, The Roosevelts. Yes, much of what the discuss regarding Teddy R. and the changes he brought about are interesting because the conditions he sought to change, for the better, are much like those today, except we have more t.v.s and cell phones.
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