Friday, March 06, 2009

Chicken Run


Our favorite Vancouver City Councillor, Andrea Reimer, has been busy.

Busy winning......

Vancouver has become the next Lower Mainland city to allow backyard chickens. The motion by councillor Andrea Reimer passed unanimously. There is opposition to the bylaw change from the BCSPCA and the Vancouver Humane Society, who wonder if people keeping chickens will have the necessary knowledge and expertise to raise them.

And busy losing.....

Coun. Andrea Reimer's vision to stretch car-free days across the city on summer Sundays was obscured by clouds this week.

A city staff report declared most business and community groups contacted felt hosting car-free Sundays over three months was beyond their organizational and financial means.....

Somehow, though, I wouldn't count Ms. Reimer out on the car-free Sundays thing quite yet....

For those not in Lotusland, the Chicken Run thing has completely taken over the proMedia in this town, especially the 'lectronic division, who just can't help themselves.
And as for the 'opposition' from the SPCA et al., somebody who actually raises hens in their backyard immediately shot down that talking point on the CluffMasterFlash's show when he stated that (paraphrasing) 'backyards are a paradise compared to the postage stamp that commericial hens live their entire lives on'.....Of course, when he heard that Cluffie didn't ask the urban farmer to elaborate and instead just moved his finger down the page to his producer's next question.


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