That's right.
Once again, the Liberal that isn't is going to see the ol' Reformer that always will be.
Bob Mackin has the story:
...BC Liberal Premier Christy Clark, an unabashed, Capital-L federal Liberal, will be in Ottawa, rubbing shoulders with small-c conservatives and Big-C Conservatives at the March 5-7 Manning Networking Conference...
...According to the schedule, Clark will be speaking March 6 in a forum called “Energy, Environment and the Economy” with Alberta Premier Jim Prentice and Yukon Premier Darrell Pasloski...
Wonder if this love-in will be a reprise of that good old 'Iron Snowbird' thing.
And if it is, Ms. Clark will get to Gwynn and bear it/revel in it with some of her closest friends and most influential patreonic uncles.
No word, yet, if Stephen Maher there will be any misunderstandings that will prevent him from covering the post-seminar proceedings this year.
And, here's one more thing for Uncle Bob to find out, which will probably take an FOI or 37....Is Ottawa one of those out of the way places like, say, Regina, that require Ms. Clark and her entourage to fly the friendliest of friendliest private jet skies?
Cult of personality
1 hour ago
I'm only assuming but I would totally be peeved if taxpayers are expected to pay for this "love-in".
If so we need to ask what benefit will BC receive from this event ?
Guy in Victoria
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