Our Ms. Clark, hootin' it up with those fine folks who love democracy and elections and electioneering ever so much..... The Manningites:
Previous 'Say Anything' eruptions?....Here.
Cult of personality
1 hour ago
Ah yes, a new place in the world, the Land Where Sparkle Ponies Fly on LNG powered gossamer wings. I think our Premier had a few too many hits of Kelowna Gold before this speech.
Maybe the teleprompter failed - more and more our premier looks like Sarah Palin,
must be part of the 100 year plan
like be part of the 400 million bollywood bc awards viewers
Snookie jobs plan is something else in Norman Farrell's Blogs he said that the raw logs going off shore is up 600% over the NDP years. I have to wonder how many sawmills have gone down and how many Jobs have been lost. She is looking and speaking more Like Sarah Palin all the time
bc raw log export
Do gossamer and LNG mix well?
Still operational teleprompters and Palinism are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
And, don't forget, Ms. Clark once said that she could see Maggie Thatcher from her dorm room!
Only 400 million viewers?....I thought that, in the end, it was eleventy billion.
Or some such thing.
Bruce and Anon-Above--
Mr. Beer 'N Hockey, a man whose livelihood is directly impacted by this raw log business, had an interesting take on the matter recently.
Well, Andrew Coyne in his National Post article just called Christy Clark not so many words..An incoherent idiot..Which begs the question to all Conservatives, if you are all aware that Christy Clark is a braindead non-thinking school dropout, nothing between her ears but cotton candy why do you people keep inviting Christy Clark to speak, err, blather incoherent things...From Coyne, cut n pasted.
"Ms. Clark was her usual jolly, incoherent self, asserting by turns her unshakeable belief in “free enterprise” and her designs for a planned economy, boasting that her government had “identified eight sectors” as part of a policy of “investing in diversification” that involved “focusing on all those sectors.” A “thriving private sector” was named as “the source of all wealth,” unless it was “the people in the public sector” that “enabled economic growth,” though of course it was “the provinces that drive economic growth.” I suppose I should add that she also expressed the hope that we might find “a new place "
I need to add a little bit more from Coyne`s article..
Ms. Clark was her usual jolly, incoherent self, asserting by turns her unshakeable belief in “free enterprise” and her designs for a planned economy, boasting that her government had “identified eight sectors” as part of a policy of “investing in diversification” that involved “focusing on all those sectors.” A “thriving private sector” was named as “the source of all wealth,” unless it was “the people in the public sector” that “enabled economic growth,” though of course it was “the provinces that drive economic growth.” I suppose I should add that she also expressed the hope that we might find “a new place in the world forever,” but by this point you will probably already have guessed.
Mr. Prentice, for his part, was confined to a couple of weak jokes about “looking in the mirror” while professing a similarly devout belief in “free markets” although of course “diversification of the economy is so important” and by the way it was time for the feds to spend gobs of money on infrastructure. (“I realize that much of what I’m saying today has a deja vu feeling about it.”)
Why our domestic media doesn`t just come out and say it, Christy Clark is dumber than a sack of hammers...No, they never do, they call her a great political genius, a tough politician...
Christy Clark...Gordon Campbell was, and is propped up by a corrupt, cowardly, corporate media, balless Baldrey, knuckledragging Fletcher, and corporate owned media who has vested interest in slices of pie..
In other words, don`t bite the tax dollars that feed you, tax dollars enveloped out by the BC Liberals.
Jobs away!clear cut?
undergrading logs?
RossK: In regard to your query, I have been advised by prominent bovine scatologists (leaders in their fields) that LNG and gossamer can indeed be mixed but only in an atmosphere containing a Liberal concentration of methane. Fortunately this ingredient is in plentiful supply in Sparkle Pony Land
Thanks Grant G. for the link to the Andrew Coyne piece. Quite interesting.
If Mr. Coyne and Ms. O'Malley and Mr. Akin can see it...
Why can't the puffed-up Lotuslandian proPunditry?
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