Rod Mickleburgh, writing for uber-big, labour-backed bucks in The Tyee, has the line-up:
...Many have ties going back to the administration of Gordon Campbell...., none deeper than those of Hydro boss Jessica McDonald, who was Campbell’s deputy minister and a powerful force "behind the throne" from 2005 to 2009. Susan Yurkovich, executive vice-president for Site C, was a member of the Liberals’ 2005 election campaign committee.
Jobs Minister Shirley Bond served prominently in Gordo’s cabinet throughout his decade as premier. And right there in Christy Clark’s office is chief of staff Dan Doyle, a key government architect of the 2010 Winter Olympics, and chief political adviser Chris Gardner, a longtime political associate of treasured Campbell cabinet minister Kevin Falcon, when both were active in Surrey...
Again, the other team's manager, Mr. Sigurdson, is very, very wise to keep that lawsuit of his on the table until the contract terms are actually re-written.
Cult of personality
1 hour ago
a billion refund every 4/5 years for top 2 percent in BC .but dont change that min wage?
sounds like BC
Yeah, Hydro. Nothing but a bunch of spin doctors and liars.
FYI RossK, after a year long battle with hydro trying to send me a bill that was a 700% increase that I refuse to pay, and a warning to them that I would not be answering their calls until the ripoff was fixed, they chose to cut off my hydro in January. I will be filing a lawsuit but until then, I guess they haven't heard of,wood heat, propane stove cooking,and solar or generator power. I will be writing about this on my blog as soon as I get some legal advice and recheck all my facts.
Thanks Gary--
What's the reason they gave you for such an increase?
Lots of people with anecdotes about radical increases. Odd in that ratepayers were sandbagged into paying special insiders and board connections around a $Billion for new meters, with a rush put on to be in place prior to last election. It looks like a grid-tie system with a signal jammer could get the Hydro cheques flowing to customers rather than the other way around. Grid tie producers don't get the rich payout that IPP folks get but then they probably aren't required to pay any political parties should they choose not to. Now that there are no human meter readers, when a tree is laying on the line, the only way Hydro ever finds out is if it is called in by a passerby. Monthly or bi-monthly line patrols are non-existent.
If you have a strong enough stomach, read Fill Hawksteen'sloogie blown into the Province editorial poop smear. As much as I try to retain a degree of respect, nothing this little man says represents anything but the politics of greed. My construction working son worked for one his groups companies. The treated him like crap. He's in a better paying union position and able to take care of his family without us having to supplement his income so they could sleep inside,wear clothes and feed the grandchildren. Hochstein and his ilk make me wretch with disgust.
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