We realize that the Premier is in the middle of spring break.
And we also know that the Dean is away from school on holidays as well.
But, given what happened in the wake of all that hard work and all those rewards and so-on and such-as that went into Ms. Clark's infamous 'Good Friday Tweet', we thought that a little extra homework on the true meaning of Easter might be in order.
And what better place to start than with a passage from Brandon Ambrosino in the Boston Globe, which, as the Premier so well knows from last term's book report, is kinda/sorta almost/but not quite, located in the Land of Lincoln:
...The central claim of Easter — and indeed, of Christianity — has always been that the rejected, tortured, crucified, dead, and then resurrected Jesus is somehow Lord of the entire earth. If that doesn’t sound particularly scandalous today, imagine you’re hearing it for the first time while living in the Roman Empire. As many New Testament scholars argue, hearing “Jesus is Lord” in the first century might sound suspiciously like a bold rejection of the standard Roman creed at the time: “Caesar is Lord.” (There is a lot of discussion about this, but even a quick glance of the Gospels and Acts shows that the texts contain instances of anti-imperial rhetoric.)
What’s radical about Easter, then, is not that Christians claim a dead man rose from the dead. What’s radical is what that means — specifically, what it meant for Rome, and, by implication, what it means for all kingdoms everywhere, including the ones we live in. Jesus’ resurrection marked the end of Caesar’s way of doing things. It established a new kingdom in which enemies are loved, the marginalized are given primacy of place, and the poor are blessed. In this kingdom, hierarchies are subverted, concentrated power is decentralized, and prodigal children are welcomed home. Black lives matter here, as do queer lives and the lives of undocumented aliens within our borders — “Remember the stranger in your midst” is a common refrain in this kingdom...
The marginalized are given 'primacy of place' and the 'poor are blessed'?
What's that all about?
Regarding states and license plate monikers and all that...Someone might want to let the Premier know that 'Cheers' was not filmed before a live studio audience in Springfield....That, of course is where the writer's room audience of Harvard-educated US Americans pretends to watch that cartoony show created by the guy that used to put together that strip with all the cute bunny rabbits.....See....Easter!
Music Notes
1 hour ago
and no seat belt!
hay isnt that guy in jail?
My 2 faves - as seen on Reddit - from over the Easter weekend :
"Only attending church during Christmas and Easter is the religious equivalent of only watching sports during the playoffs."
"Jesus coming to earth, making friends, dying and revealing himself to be god's son is like the ultimate episode of undercover boss."
In Christy's BC clinically disabled people
are treated with prescribed unfriendliness and official opprobrium. The poor---which includes the vast majority of disabled citizens--are cursed, not blessed, and done so with neo-right ideological relish to continually remind them of their place in the interminably long queue to the hind teat. To test this assertion ask Christy why disabled people in the most expensive province in Canada (and some of the most expensive cities in the world) regularly receive half the support disabled citizens of other provinces---and watch the facility with which she explains the virtues of family life and the work ethic, all with her characteristic smirk...because Jesus is entitled to his opinion...and that's what's wonderful about enterprise and all.
BC Liberals celebrate the politics of the absurd, where the caring professions are demonized and attacked, where chronic child poverty---the worst in the country for over a decade---is defended as "Helping Families", and opportunities to remedy BC's racist past are spurned as not sufficiently beneficial to the culprits. Following this kind of nonsense leads to the resurrection of Caesar himself---but that's what's wonderful about free-enterprise-loving BC, right Christy?
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