My kids were grilling me on how I was going to 'vote' on Transit Referendum the other day.
And, as you might expect I responded by taking them through all the pros-and cons as I see them.
It took quite awhile because they kept doing what kids do, which is to ask basic, 'heart-of-the-matter' - type questions that often started with the word 'Why'.
And then we got into the process.
After which I thought I could slink away from the dining room table.
But E. and e. would have none of it...
Because they wanted to know how I was going to vote.
So I told them.
And I'll tell you all soon.
But first, I've gotta say that on this one it's hard to argue with the latest manifesto from the Classics:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Members of COPE that a public statement be made by COPE executive summing up the debate on the 2015 Transportation and Transit Plebiscite on March 29th that includes:
1. A strong criticism of the process that gave rise to the Regional Transportation Investments, a Vision for Metro Vancouver – aka the Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation]and the plebiscite because it excluded working people from setting the agenda and that it divides the polity on a complex question;
2. Further we call for ongoing discussions on how to develop the Lower Mainland on a rational and sustainable basis; and
3. We urge citizens and COPE members to vote according to their conscience.
This dividing of the polity business is for real...In the throes of my decision making process I left a comment with Stephen Rees, a transit blogger whose work I have a huge amount of respect for, asking for a point of clarification...This thing has been so perverted by the flack-hackery and their associated underhanded concern trolling that Stephen honestly thought I was also up to no good...I was really taken aback...But after quite a bit of back-and-forth offline I came to completely understand where he was coming from...
As I've said numerous times before the only real winners of this sham of flim-flam shim-sham-shimmy are the flack-hackery on both sides...
I'll be back with my answer to the two E's soon...
Music Notes
1 hour ago
How you gonna vote?
A visual guide:
Ask yourself: What makes sense here?
Translink is some thing of, ahem, an abortion, but calling for a vote of conscience seems a bit much.
I do not get to vote, due to my address out here where Dope City's smog blows, but I would vote yes, vote yes for all the proper jobs The Plan would provide my Union fellow workers.
That said, it would make a lot more sense to me for the government to raise the sales tax by .25% across the whole province.
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