As I've mentioned numerous times before, the only sure winners in this entire endless plebiscite thingy will be the members of the Flack-Hackery.
And now, thanks to the initial digging and Freedom of Information (FOI) requests of Bob Mackin and the follow-up work of Laila Yuile we know that even the contract extensions of the Flack-Hackery are untendered and, essentially undefined:
...The FOI on this contract is rather open-ended,with few concrete deliverable in place other than what is dictated in the Schedule A ( pg 8) and a proposal letter sent from Counterpoint to Translink VP Bob Paddon in June of 2014 ( Pg 9)

The timeframe for the original contract was June 2014 – December 2014 for $70,000 fees and &4,000 expenses.
An amendment to that contract was signed December 31st,2015 ( pg 15) extending the contract to July 31st 2015, for an additional $100,000 dollars.
No further changes to services were amended.
All of which leads Laila to wonder:
...What exactly is Translink paying for? Conversations? Meetings? Tweets?...
All of which are very good questions.
Perhaps folks should start asking them of Counterpoint principals Bob Ransford and Bruce Rozenhart the next time they bump into them on the Twittmachine.
And here's something that, in my opinion at least, doesn't get said enough...Which is that this plebiscite thingy is non-binding...
In the interests of showing our work....Previous posts on Counterpoint's 'contract' can be found....Here....and....Here.
Thanks Anon--
If that one really does need replacing, I bet the folks on the North and, especially, the Northwesterly shores won't be left hanging waiting for a stupid fake plebiscite like the good people of Surrey with the Patullo.
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