On their 8:30am newscast this morning, CBC Radio One reported that the Ray Lam photos were wurlitzered after a media release from the BC Liberal party.
Which is all fine and good, especially given that the posting of such photos by the candidate himself does demonstrate a real lack of maturity and judgement.
In other words, it looks like a young kid was caught being just that.
But here's the thing.
Is this really a road that the party of Mr. Gordon Campbell wants to go down?
After all, this is the same party that is unwilling to put a headshot of its leader on his election signs for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with being a young kid who did something of questionable judgement that never hurt anyone.
Because, as MADD will tell you, drunk driving kills people.
In fact, it is something that MADD told Mr. Gordon Campbell in no uncertain terms.
But I digress.
Because the BC Liberal party is also led by a man who has some very interesting sepia-hued videos on his YouTube page that some might also consider to be of questionable judgement.
Or, at the very least, eyebrow raising.
I ask.....
Is this really a road that the political party led by Mr. Gordon Campbell wants to go down?
Oh, and just in case you were wondering.....The webpage of Mr. Lam's 'former' BC Liberal opponent in Vancouver False Creek, Mary McNeil, who is, according to numerous media reports, apparently outraged, is currently unreachable from the BC Liberal Party's own All-Candidates page (screen shot available on request).....Imagine that.
Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,835
19 minutes ago
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