Triple O' Sauce Update ......Friday am......Board meets at 9:00am......Keep firing off Emails (link below).....I've been in those meetings and watched these fine folks constantly checking their Blackberries throughout....
Triple O' Sauce Update ......Friday am......Board meets at 9:00am......Keep firing off Emails (link below).....I've been in those meetings and watched these fine folks constantly checking their Blackberries throughout....
Double Secret Probation Update ....Welcome to the friends of my bigger kid, E. (pictured above, with littler e.).
We are writing local politicians.....Just click on the link, find the folks from Vancouver and send them a message that says 'Please Save Pacific Spirit Park!' with your name and your address (or just plain old 'Vancouver Resident' if you like). Thanks!
Update: ....To all those arriving from Mary's, Stephen Rees' , West End Bob's, JJ's , Alison's and The Galloping Beaver...Welcome!
And Thanks! This will only take a moment of your time....
Update: ....To all those arriving from Mary's, Stephen Rees' , West End Bob's, JJ's , Alison's and The Galloping Beaver...Welcome!
And Thanks! This will only take a moment of your time....
I have ranted and ranted (and ranted some more) on the subject of the coming sell off of a chunk of Lotusland's jewel of a regional park called 'Pacific Spirit' to the Condo Kings.
Well, with everything accepted in principle at the Provincial level, it would appear that the only people now standing between the Condo Kings' chainsaws and the Trees are our local, civic politicians.
Specifically, the 'Metro Vancouver Board of Directors' who meet on Friday to discuss the issue 'in camera' (a.k.a. 'hidden from public view').
I've been to public events where a number of these folks have been very receptive to the idea of blocking the Park's soon to be scheduled cardiac arrest.
If you have a moment and you live in the Lower Mainland and you think that parks should not be for sale, please find your local politician at the link immediately below and write them a very short Email saying something as simple as......
Dear xxxxxx,
Please save all of Pacific Spirit Park for all the residents of Metro Vancouver.
Thank you very much,
Your name and address.
Why is this NOT a waste of time?
Well, 1000 people protesting the 'Run of River' raping of Pinecone Burke Park in Pitt Meadows seems to have helped tremendously.
All you have to do is go to the MetroVancouver Director's site where all the contact info is located, including clickable links for their Email addresses.
Again, it's right here.
Please, please, do it.
It's really really easy - 34.5 seconds, tops, I promise.
Oh, and if you live in Vancouver proper and you write to NPA mayoralty candidate Peter Ladner (who is running as a break away NPA candidate against Sir Spam-A-Lot) you might want to mention that taking such a stand could help him differentiate himself from the current proCondo King regime at 12th and Cambie.
Image at the top of the post is of my two daughters, littler e. and Bigger E., at a recent rally to try and save the Park.
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