The Twittmachine is afire late Monday afternoon....
Looks like Privacy and Info Commish is going to look, hard, at whether or not personal information collected by government was funnelled to BC Liberal Party (as was the plan according to the 'memo' and the 'spreadsheet').
And, here's the real kicker....
According to the Dean, Ms. Denham has already started collecting private Email communications that may have been used to hide 'sensitive' FOI'able information.
So, it looks like that 'oral office' thingy just might be coming back to haunt the Wizards of Clarkland.
Both sides do NOT do it.
Wondering about that sub-header?...Well...It's all explained....Here.
Sometimes Sea Changes Start in Rivers
22 minutes ago
Why do I get the feeling that even though all the evidence of corruption has been destroyed by the BC Liberals implementation of the Dobell Doctrine, .... Christy "Capone" Clark, and her Party of thugs, are headed for the slammer courtesy of Elizabeth "Ness" Denham's raid.
I dunno NVG--
Apparently, according to The Dean, the Commish already has a bunch of evidence...And don't forget, one of the foot soldiers of the strate(r)gy was still shovelling 'lists' of voter info into her Email account a week AFTER the Dyble investigation started...I really and truly wonder if they actually thought they were immune to oversight right up until the end.
"I really and truly wonder if they actually thought they were immune to oversight right up until the end".
I would suggest they did.
I would also add that they're wrong................
Gary L.
Enjoy the read..
Good Day
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