I know there is an infomercial coming down tonight, in which Global TeeVee's moneytrain will actually (finally!) cough up some of her own dough instead of ours to pay for the thing...
In terms of what goes down on Sunday mornings in America, I found the following pretty darned interesting, particularly in the wake of the actual, real sciencey, peer-reviewey-type news that the entire Climategate conspiracy thing (you know, the one that was successfully wurlitzered by vested interest-backed quislings based on stolen Emails taken out of context) was pure fiction:
...On the rare occasion (the American network television) Sunday shows covered climate change between 2009 and 2012, not a single scientist or climate expert was part of the discussion. In addition, every politician who discussed climate change on the Sunday shows in 2012 was a Republican....
In other news that is sure to take misinformation and talking head stupidness to even further 'Hurting America' lows....
CNN is apparently thinking about bringing back Crossfire.
Tip of the Toque for the 'moneytrain' thing to 'bcpoli_watcher' on the Twittmachine who is doing their best to track down the Clark machine - Global connection, particularly as it pertains to the format of that two leader townhall deflector spin thingy that took up so much crossfiery-type Lotuslandian proMedia time and space over the last week....
Yesterday, we noted the 'all-star' celebrity line-up that will, apparently, be backing Ms. Clark on her half-hour Sham-Wow! show tonight...Well, rumours are now swirling that there may be others added at the 'last minute' in an effort to help convince the citizenry that the last 12 years really can be wiped away, in their entirety, by cheap tricks and a few million snake oil-laced shammy swipes on their television screens.
Global's obsequiousness aside....Don't know about you, but I sure have noticed how much shammy-laden dishwater the CP has been carrying, straight-up, for Ms. Clark these days...Whose running that Westcoast desk these days anyway...Why do I ask?....Well, as a Railgate cultist I sure do remember who it was back in the day...
Finally, in case you need a dose of it this morning (or might need it tomorrow morning if you partake in one of the many Sham-Wow Show! drinking games that appear to be proliferating on the interwebz right now)...Here's the real thing when it comes to real Sunday Morning's Comin' Down...
Sunday, April 14, 2013
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