Sunday, March 03, 2013

Clark Watch 3000...The State(r)gy Marches On...


First, the following, from Pamela Martin on last night's Twittmachine feed (yes...last night!)...

Next, BC Liberal Party members, many of whom the Wizards of Snooklandia presumably thought would respond positively to their strate(r)gy,  voice their displeasure this morning (yes, this morning!)...

SURREY, B.C. - Some members of B.C.'s governing Liberal party are publicly calling for Premier Christy Clark to resign over a scandal involving the wooing of ethnic voters.

The party members describe themselves as "especially with ethnic background" of Indo- and South Asian descent.

They say they agreed over a Sunday breakfast meeting in Surrey to call for Clark to step down.

Their call comes hours ahead of an emergency cabinet meet she's called today to address the scandal.

In a news release the party members say that 89 members passed a one-line declaration because Clark has made "the ethnic vote a joke" in the province...


Meanwhile, from the rarified air of the proPundit perch overlooking the ClarkWatch 3K, Mr. Baldrey has this to say...

And do not think that the irony of the 89 BCL party members mentioned above is lost upon us given the M.O. of a certain operative that used to run the Boyz....



Dave said...

Oh dear. Pammy is little more than a life support system for an eyelash. Somebody pulled her ring on Wednesday and it had not fully retracted before last night.

Ann P. Ryan was smarter than the voice, and the voice is smarter than Pammy.

Anonymous said...

And the first two on Baldrey's list are embroiled in their own soap opera. It's kind of looking more and more like a three legged chair that's trying to hold Clark up.

Anonymous said...

Is Vikram Bajwa doing proxy work?

RossK said...


Me still laughin'



And Ms. Clark was up in PG this weekend...Which doesn't mean she wouldn't reverse herself on her support for the pair by 6 o'clock tonight if told that is the only thing that will save her bacon I reckon.



Absolutely nothing would surprise me at this point.

(which is the reason for my post-script)


Anonymous said...

I doubt any of us are going to forget about, CKNW, Baldrey nor Palmer. We remember them way back in, Campbell's lying thieving days. The BCR wasn't for sale. The HST wasn't on his radar either.

The Media, fully deserve to be shunned.